Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How scrapbooking can lead to other addictions

It seems as though taking up the hobby of scrapbooking can lead to other equally addictive activities. There are many reasons for this, some plausible, others – well? Let's look into these phenomena.

Once you have created a number of layouts with your scrapbook supplies you will begin to realize that you are accumulating too many scraps and leftover embellishments. One of the tenants of a true scrapbooker is you never throw out a scrap. Who knows, you may need it to cut out titles, or mat a picture, or as a journaling block. While all of these are admirable reasons, the reality is you will probably end up with more scraps than you can use for your pages.

Enter hobby number two – card making. What better way to use up those extra supplies than on a handmade card you can send to a family member or friend? Beware! Card making can become just as addictive as scrapbooking and can require the addition of more supplies. Once you have created your lovely card, what are you going to use to add the sentiment?

Now comes stamping. Great phrases and titles can be found, often at the LSS’s, in the form of a rubber or acrylic stamp. While looking for the perfect letters or words to complete your card you will inevitably see some really pretty stamps with pictures of flowers, birds, animals, you name it. So, why not get some of these to use on cards in place of the paper scraps? And don’t forget the variety of ink pads and pens you will need to create your colorful stamped images. This is hobby number three.

These are just two of the new addictions that can develop from scrapbooking.  Obviously, the possibilities are endless. Stitching, painting, paper making and altered books, to name a few. Does this have to happen? No. Does it happen? More often then not, so be careful. Once you get started scrapping, you may not be able to resist the temptation to go for more. It’s all fun though!

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